Site icon Vara Winery & Distillery • Albuquerque, New Mexico



Beginning January 14, 2022, our credit card processor has changed. Please review how this affects your saved payment information.

Beginning January 14, 2022, Vara has changed our credit card processor to work with new systems as we improve services. This will make checkouts faster and less problematic as hardware technologies become obsolete.

As always, we do NOT have access to your complete credit card other than the first time your information is entered. This safety feature means at no time will any of our employees, point of sale companies or other transactional entities have the ability to see your entire credit card number.

This safety feature requires us to update your credit card number in the new system. This can be done one of three ways:

For those who regularly log-in to the Vara Website, go to your Account Manager Screen and select “Credit Card Information” and re-enter your credit card information. There may be “XXXXXXXXXXX####” information already in the Credit Card field – please update all of the fields and then click on the “Update Payment Information” button.

This should only take a few minutes. HEY! While you are there, you can shop in your pajamas and place orders to be picked up at the tasting room the next business day or even have them shipped to your address. You can also shop online when it’s convenient and mail your favorite Vara wines to your friends and family.

We will reach out by phone to Club Vara members to update their information. This process may take a few minutes while our staff gets someone who can have access and record your information over the phone. We will not write your information down, but actually key it into the system live. For wine club members, we need to secure your new credit card information BEFORE the next club run – before January 23, 2022.

If you have not joined Club Vara as of yet, but enjoy the ability to keep your credit card on file for ease of check out, we can swipe your card on your next visit.

While we have you on the phone or in person, we may add some extra marketing questions such as your birthdate, anniversary, or other special dates that Vara wines may compliment! Knowledge is power and let us help remind you of ways we can work together to make YOUR special events… special!

In summary, if you have had a credit card on file with Vara – we will require your card information again starting January 14, 2022.

We are sorry for any inconvenience but believe that you will be happier with the check our process from here on out!

Striving for your continued online safety,

-Team Vara

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